Branding & Signage
School of Design, San Francisco State University
Project Brief
The School of Design in the College of Liberal and Creative Arts at SFSU was in need of clean
and effective signage.

The front door of the office and surrounding hallways were cluttered with clashing flyers and notices. Our job was to make all the information comprehensive, efficient, and standardized. This also required a new standard of branding for the department.
Original setup of the School of Design doorway: cluttered with flyers and notices.
Iterative Design Process
The original signage on the office door was a parking lot. Signs were poorly mounted, misaligned, and used many different design elements which clashed. Different methods of branding paper systems were explored through sketching and digital mockups. Different branding concepts were tested with typesetting.
Sketches exploring different layouts and uses of typography.
Different branding ideas exploring the 3D and 2D disciplines that make up the department of design.
An original icon library for denoting signage.
The final set of signage pieces.
Design Team
Amena Elmashni, Graphic Designer
Darlene Albert, Graphic Designer
Jacob McAdam, Graphic Designer
Jenyce Garay, Graphic Designer
Joshua Singer, Art Director

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